Our Crappy Camera Phone Photo Album

This blog contains low-quality camera-phone pictures taken by Stan, Ashman, Kristen, Meagan and whoever else we've invited!

Sunday, July 31, 2005

They just want a ride

Does AFLAC sell car insurance?

Note: One hour later, I misplaced my phone. I have not recovered it yet, so I may be unable to post any new pics for a while. I'm pretty sure I know the area I lost it (I think it fell out of my pocket while on the trampoline, a few yards away from these ducks), but I won't know until my roomie can call over there to check it out.

Saturday, July 30, 2005


Downtown Kingston looking towards the ferry dock.

Friday, July 29, 2005

Why do I always get stuck behind these guys?

The worst part is, he kept passing exits, so we had to endure the smell for miles.

Remember this place?

That's right, it's the Glisan Quick Wash, our old weekly visit to hell...

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Sawtooth Mountain Boys

A good bluegrass band playing a free show right now in the park in Oregon City...

Yeah, it's me again

Trying to sleep

Fred in the closet on some boxes trying to sleep

Ridiculous billboard

I'll talk about this on the other blog...

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Is this normal?

I have this sunflower growing in my deck planter, notice the peddles in the middle ?

This is Charlie, aka Bubba

Port of Kingston

Monday, July 25, 2005

Fred on the desk

'The Cheese Grater Building'

Former home of KOTK, and Rick Emerson's talk show...

Scott being bored

Another mirror picture of me

Good morning sunshine

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Top of Larch Mountain, 1 hour ago

Kept losing signal at the top, otherwise I'd have posted from up there...

Mirror picture

One of those mirror pictures

WA State Hwy 104, Kingston

Friday, July 22, 2005

Clumsy Lovers, Hood River, July 8, 2005

This is Andrea Lewis, incredible fiddle player for my favorite live band. I was watching the speed of her fingers, and reckoned that on a keyboard, she could probably type 500 WPM...

Early morning in Suquamish, WA

Dumb picture of me (Ashman)

Fred the Cat

Thursday, July 21, 2005


This is Henry. He's hilarious when he gets up the little tree in the front yard.